Journal of Community Services: Sustainability and Empowerment (JCSSE) is committed to providing access to quality articles in the area of community services for interested readers. JCSSE will be published two times a year.
Only the original unpublished manuscript will be reviewed. Manuscript submission is interpreted as confirmation that no part of the manuscript is copyrighted by another publication or reviewed by another formal publication.
Review Process
Articles submitted to the editorial team are selected and evaluated by members of the editorial team and can be returned for editing and/or correction and/or completion.
Writing style
The article could be written in Indonesian or English
The article must be submitted in MS Word format using this Article Template
The article must enclose the title, author/s name, email address, and affiliation
The article must enclose with an abstract, with maximum words are 200 (two hundred) in essay form consisting of research purpose, research method, and research result. The abstract should be written in italic. It should be enclosed with keywords.
The manuscript body should consist of: Introduction, method, result, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references
Figures, graphs, tables, and other supporting data should be enclosed with numbers, title,s and consistent sources.