Interactive and Collaborative Online Teaching With Artificial Intelligent & Nearpod


  • Muhammad Lukman Baihaqi Alfakihuddin Sampoerna University
  • Santo Tjhin Sampoerna University
  • Sri Susilawati Islam Sampoerna University
  • Iwan Setiawan Sampoerna University
  • Ilham Prasetyo Sampoerna University
  • Surya Danusaputro Liman Sampoerna University



Artificial Intelligence, collaboration, online learning, Interactive, Nearpod


The Covid-19 virus pandemic presents new challenges for schoolteachers and students to complete online learning. Educators conduct distance learning so the challenge is the lack of control that can be exercised over students. Engaging in learning is essential to create enthusiasm and interest in learning during online learning. The development of digital technology such as artificial intelligence and Nearpod can be used to create interesting learning that can increase the spirit of learning. This community service was conducted to teachers at SDN Sampay 01 and 02, Cisarua, Jawa Barat. The results of this community service show that the knowledge of teachers of both SDN Sampay 01 and 02 regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence and Nearpod technology increased after the service was held. In addition, the majority of teachers are also more confident with the use of technology in their teaching.   


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How to Cite

Interactive and Collaborative Online Teaching With Artificial Intelligent & Nearpod (M. L. B. Alfakihuddin, S. Tjhin, S. S. Islam, I. Setiawan, I. Prasetyo, & S. D. Liman , Trans.). (2024). Journal of Community Services: Sustainability and Empowerment, 3(02), 23-30.