
  • Johnson Kolawole Olowookere Department of Accounting, Osun State University, Okuku Campus, Nigeria
  • Tajudeen A. Odetayo Department of Accountancy, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Nigeria
  • Adewumi Zaid Adeyemi Department of Accounting, Osun State University, Okuku Campus, Nigeria
  • Oloruntoba Oyedele Department of Accounting and Finance, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria



cash conversion cycle theory, COVID-19, market timing theory, risk-return trade-off theory, working capital management


This study uses an archival technique to examine the impact of COVID-19 on working capital management. The study reviews previous research published in high-impact journals between 2000 and 2021. In addition, the study uses the risk trade-off theory, market timing theory, and cash conversion cycle theory as lenses to understand the relationship between COVID-19 and working capital management. Both theoretical and empirical reviews indicate that the impact of the COVID19 plague has weakened the finances of business organizations on a global scale. Thus, reviewed theories suggest that for the business organizations to come into the limelight of financial muscle amidst COVID-19, managers should review variable costs and work with their main partners, and access to funds that have been made available to corporate organizations as a result of the mitigation of the COVID-19 plague.


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How to Cite

IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: A THEORETICAL APPROACH (J. K. Olowookere, T. A. Odetayo, A. Z. Adeyemi, & O. Oyedele , Trans.). (2021). Journal of Business And Entrepreneurship, 10(1), 38-47.